31. 10. 2021, Eisuke Noda
Do you know how to get the information of the disaster? Knowledge of the connectable place for emergency situation would be important to deal with the difficulties yourself.
There are some sources which are being managed from government institution.
1. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
The institution manages information from Land to Transportation in Japan. They builds helpful site for tourist and people who came from overseas.
2. DiMAPS(Integrated disaster information system)
The system is made by the Geographical information authority of Japan. You would be able to find the exact information which is written so detail, and it uploads as soon as possible to tell people. For example, when you want to know where is the safe then, you would be able to find from this site. But there is one wondering part, it is not translated to English yet. I hope to implement that as soon as possible.
3. Ministry of Foreign Affair of Japan
the institution manages the whole of international activity and the information for international people in Japan. They provide various information on the social media and their own site.
In digitalized world, there are many sources of information. Especially, the problem of fake information on the emergency situation is often picked up as a serious social problem and interruption for rescue mission. I’m happy if those sites are helpful for you.
Thank you for reading