Evacuation Japan Now2022年4月12日読了時間: 1分EJN Activities Introduced to Former Prime Minister SugaThe guest speaker was former Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, who participated in a question-and-answer session with the participants of...
Evacuation Japan Now2022年4月12日読了時間: 1分Participation in the LDP and Japan Youth Parliament 2022On March 30, 2022, the LDP Youth Bureau co-hosted the Japanese version of Youth Parliament 2022 - LDP version.The Japanese version of...
Evacuation Japan Now2022年3月30日読了時間: 1分EJN will become a member of the Japan Youth Council and make policy proposals to the LDP headquarterEJNは日本若者協議会の団体メンバーに参加し、自民党本部へ 防災教育推進の政策提案を行います。 Since 2015, the Japan Youth Council has held a public discussion event for young people...
Evacuation Japan Now2021年11月17日読了時間: 1分Have you ever experienced big disaster?? Hi. I'm Iris Nakamura. Have you ever experienced big disaster?? I have. When I was 5 years old, I rode in the car and went to department...
Evacuation Japan Now2021年11月1日読了時間: 1分Where can we get the information of disaster?31. 10. 2021, Eisuke Noda Do you know how to get the information of the disaster? Knowledge of the connectable place for emergency...